Asked by: Kurtis Naikari
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, needlework
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

Can pine needles harm my garden?

It is not true. Pine needles don't acidify garden soils. Mulch and top dressings are slow to break down, so they don't make any difference in soil pH. Pine needle mulch' acidity remains on the soil's surface, and does not affect the soil around the roots of plants.

Also, which plants can I use my pine needles on?

Trees and Shrubs The soil is slightly acidified by the pine needles. This makes them an excellent landscaping mulch option for acid-loving plants such as camellias and azaleas.

The question then becomes, "Should you remove pine needles under trees?" It wouldn't hurt to rake them now. I would be careful when the ground begins to thaw as you don’t want to accidentally rip up any new grass growth. Only rake what is on the lawn. You can leave the needles in the tree. The needles will eventually fall and provide nutrients to the tree.

This begs the question: How long does it take for pine needles to decay?

Even though you are using freshly fallen pine needles they will lose their acidity after about three weeks.

Is pine needles good to use for anything?

Pine needles can be used as an expectorant and natural decongestant. They are also antiseptic, and are great to treat congestion and coughs (Wood 2009). A pine needle syrup can be made to obtain the benefits and also soothe the throat. It is easy to make, and it has a wonderful flavor.