Asked by: Heng Pages
Asked in category: pets, birds
Last Updated: 24th Jun 2024

Are finches a good pet?

The most popular breed of finch is the finch. They are energetic, friendly, easy to care for and don't take up too much space in your home or apartment. Finches are a pleasant, beautiful pet that won't take up too much of your time.

Consequently, are finches good to start with?

Zebra finches make a great choice for beginners. These finches are affordable and only a few dollars per bird. They can also thrive in environments that other finches would not. These birds will not be deterred by poor diets, extreme temperatures, or untidy enclosures.

What is the best Finch breed to buy? While the Zebra Finch is the most popular, there are many other species that make great pets such as the Society Finch and the Spice Finch.

How long can pet finches live?

2 to 5A Years Wild

What are the needs of finches in their cages?

How to Keep Your Finches Happy A properly-sized, well-designed and maintained cage. Clean, safe water to drink and bathe in. Accessories for stimulation and comfort such as cage accessories