Asked by: Morten Riese
Asked in category: style and fashion, perfume and fragrance
Last Updated: 6th Jul 2024

Are citronella candles safe to inhale?

These substances can produce a lot of heavy smoke, which can cause a great deal of damage to your ceiling and walls if they are used indoors. While Citronella is not toxic, almost everything that burns will produce some form of non-toxic compounds.

Correspondingly, are citronella candles safe to use indoors?

According to Life123, indoor burning of citronella candles is not recommended. Citronella's scent can be difficult to get rid of from indoor fabrics. Additionally, the candles can release an organic particulate into the atmosphere that can cause headaches and difficulty breathing.

Are citronella candles also toxic for humans? Citronella oil is a naturally occurring oil that repels insect pests. According to the National Pesticide Information Center, it is made from two kinds of grass. It is not currently considered safe for the environment and humans by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. However, it does not mean it is ineffective.

Is it safe to inhale citronella?

Applying citronella oil to the skin to repel insects is POSSIBLY SAFE. Inhaled: It is likely to cause lung damage in people who inhale citronella oils. There have been reports of lung damage.

Are citronella candles safe pregnancy?

Citronella wristbands, skin moisturizers and sunscreens that don't contain approved insect repellents are not recommended.