Asked by: Nadra Guntiñas
Asked in category: sports, fishing sports
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Are catch combinations possible for other Pokemon?

All nearby Pokemon are affected by the 31+ capture combination. However, it does not guarantee perfect IVs.

Do catch combinations increase shiny chances for all Pokemon in this regard?

There are chances of encountering a Shiny PokA (c)mon, just like in any PokA (c)mon game. The chance of Shiny Pokemon(c)mon being encountered is 1 in 4096. However, Catch Combo can improve those chances. A Catch Combo is a combination of two or more PokA(c).mon species that a trainer captures repeatedly without failing.

Do catch combinations increase the spawn rate? The game offers a chance to spawn special Pokemon in most areas. This is usually a 1% chance. This chance is increased by using the Catch combination. These chains could even increase the chance of a Bulbasaur Charmander or Squirtle showing up.

Also question is, what do catch combos do Pokemon?

Catch Combos occur when you catch a single species of PokA (c)mon repeatedly. They appear immediately after you catch one species twice. They continue to grow the more you capture .

What is the catch combination?

If one of the following happens, a Catch Combo is broken: Wild PokA(c),mon flees. Exit the game if PokA(c),mon of another species is captured (including one from the same evolutionary line).