Asked by: Sulami Baklanoff
Asked in category: technology and computing, internet for beginners, technology and computing, internet for beginners
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

Are Blockchains private?

Private Transactions
While users can view transaction details, they cannot access the identifying information of the users who made those transactions. Common misconception is that blockchain networks such as bitcoin are anonymous. In reality, they are confidential.

Is Hyperledger public or private?

Hyperledger fabric is similar in design to BitCoin blockchain. However, it is a private network where information is shared only with industry players' permission. Hyperledger projects do not have a cryptocurrency. However, any Hyperledger system can develop a crypto coin.

Secondly, do private Blockchains need miners? Some don't require miners at all. In some cases, the mining equivalent is completely different. There are many ways to interpret the term private Blockchain. There are many ways to validate transactions on an open ledger.

Private Blockchain is a simple solution.

Each user has different rights in a private blockchain. Users are granted permission to access certain data and perform specific functions. All other access remains closed. The rules of the network creator determine the mechanism of access.

What is the difference between private and public Blockchain?

The Difference Between Public and Private Blockchain. Public Blockchains are distributed, no one can control the network and the data cannot be altered once it has been validated on the Blockchain. A Private Blockchain, on the other hand is a permissioned blockchain.