Asked by: Lise Olmedo
Asked in category: food and drink, vegetarian diets
Last Updated: 14th May 2024

Why you should wash produce?

E.coli and other bacteria can be removed from vegetables and fruits by washing them. The soil that is attached to the product will contain most of the bacteria. To ensure that your vegetables and fruits are clean, it is a good idea to wash them before eating.

Is Produce Wash required?

Although the FDA says there is no need for a produce wash to be used, many are concerned that water may not be effective enough in removing pesticide residue from some produce. Water rinses away any chemicals or residues that might be on fruits and vegetables.

You may also wonder if washing produce is effective. It's a good idea that you wash all of your produce. Yes, pesticide residues can be found on many fruits and vegetable. Some pesticides may even be dangerous. Be aware that you have a very slim chance of contracting food-borne illnesses if you avoid produce.

Is it possible to rinse produce?

Answer: According to Sanja Ilic (assistant professor at Ohio State University), rinsing fruits and vegetables under water can help remove soil, microorganisms, and potential human pathogens like E.coli, salmonella, and listeria.

Which is the best way of washing produce?

Produces with lots of small nooks and crevices, such as broccoli, lettuce or cauliflower should be soaked in cold water for at least 1 to 2 minutes. You should not soak produce like raspberries in water. Use distilled water to spray fragile produce. Dry the produce with a clean towel.