Asked by: Mikola Escallier
Asked in category: automotive, auto buying and selling, automotive, auto buying and selling
Last Updated: 17th Jun 2024

Why won't the DMV let me renew my registration online?

These are some reasons you might not be eligible to renew online. Vehicles that require proof of insurance: Vehicles that are not registered in good standing. Transactions that involve additional fees and processing.

The DMV won't let me renew my registration online, so why?

Online Renewal not available to you These are some reasons you might not be eligible to renew your online. Vehicles that require proof of insurance: These include changes in address, transfers to new owners, and adding a Notice Of Transfer and Release of Liability (to the vehicle's file) after renewal was mailed.

The next question is: How long does it take for vehicle registration to be renewed online? It takes typically 4 to 6 weeks for new stickers or renewal tags to arrive. If you renew your vehicle's registration by mail, it can take up to 6 weeks. NeedTags offers overnight services online that expedite registration renewal and ship new stickers and cards the same day.

You might also ask, "Can you renew your registration online if expired?"

Save time and renew online. If your vehicle's registration is expired, please follow these instructions to re-register it. If your expired within the last two years: Visit to register at a DMV Hub, or Limited Service Office. You can also renew your registration online.

What documents do you need to take to the DMV in order to renew your registration

Your license plate number and the last 5 characters of your Vehicle Identification Number, (VIN), for a vehicle, or the Hull Identification Nu (HIN), for a boat/vessel should be submitted to DMV. If necessary, have your smog certificate filed with DMV.