Asked by: Niño Ikhlef
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Why must Mr. Lorry go to Paris?

Lorry will be visiting Paris to inspect Tellson's Bank business. Mr is not worried about the revolution in France, which has been ongoing since 1792. Lorry is going to France to inspect the bank's property and will be bringing Jerry Cruncher along to help him. So Mr.

Considering this, why does Lucie and Mr Lorry need to travel to Paris?

Lucie Manette was required to accompany Jarvis Lorry on his trip to Paris. Jarvis had information about Lucie's father Dr. Manette, and Lucie was able to restore him to health. After a long period in prison, Mr.

Also, find out what Mr Lorry said to Lucie to convince her to travel to Paris with him. They must take care of her father's estate.

Darnay leaves France to do this?

An old family servant sent him a request for help and he returned to France. Gabelle, a servant, was in prison and asked for Darnay to deliver him. Charles never returned to France to claim his Chateu after he left France.

Why is Dr Manette Cobble still working nine days after Lucie & Charles get married?

Dr. Manette scribbles for nine days after the marriage of Lucie & Charles Darnay. He is still upset by the news and this gives him a way out of the pain of losing his girl to another man.