Asked by: Grigor Nieslony
Asked in category: automotive, hatchback
Last Updated: 12th Sep 2024

Why is my sunroof not working?

You should check the sunroof wiring. A short could cause it to not work. The wiring should not have any resistance. However, if there is high resistance then the wiring must be replaced. Clear the sunroof tracks. Dirt and debris could cause the sunroof's to get stuck open.

Secondly, why does my sunroof not close?

The sunroof will stay open if there is no motor power. To test the motor, a glass technician can turn and push the motor mechanism from inside to try to manually work it. If the technician can manually open and close the sunroof, the motor needs to be replaced.

What is the cost of repairing a sunroof? Brass claims that motor failures are uncommon, but costly. Brass estimates that it costs about $350 to replace one, and $150 for labor. estimates that sunroof repairs will cost between $100 and $200 if you replace the part yourself and $300 to $1,000 if it is repaired by a professional.

Keep this in mind, how can you open the Acura sunroof without damaging it?

The moonroof should be fully open. Once it is open, release the button to close the door. Hold the open switch and pull it back until the sunroof glass moves back slightly to its mechanical stop, then forward slightly. The process will take approximately 13 seconds, excluding the new motor. The OPEN switch should be released.

How can I manually close my sunroof?

To remove the interior of the roof light assembly, slide the locking tabs towards your windshield. The wiring should remain connected. The S-shaped Allen wrench that came with your vehicle should be inserted into the left motor hole. To close the sunroof, turn the crank counterclockwise.