Asked by: Liesbeth Palasi
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Why is it necessary to place sand underneath pavers?

A layer of bedding sand is applied to the base material before the pavers are laid. This provides a base for the pavers to be placed. The Sand bedding helps protect the Sand joints. This ensures that the sand layer is uniformly one-inch thick.

You might also be interested in why sand is needed under pavers.

Laying Pavers without Sand A sand base surrounds bricks and helps them stay in place. To create a smooth walking surface, you can also shift bricks by using the surrounding sand.

What do you place under pavers, other than the above? For pavers that are going to be used frequently, rough crushed stone is a great base. Concrete Construction, an industry site, suggests that a base of approximately 4 to 6 inches of compacted stone pieces can provide a solid foundation for almost any type of paver installation.

Can you also use regular sand underneath pavers?

Concrete sand is the best sand to lay a foundation under concrete pavers. Concrete sand has a very fine texture that can easily be compacted and allows for proper water drainage. Any sand with angular edges or a particle size greater than 1/8 inches is acceptable.

Do I need to compact the sand in order for pavers to be made?

Before laying pavers, don't compact the bedding sand. Do not let any man walk on it. After the pavers have been removed, sand all the joints and compact. To really fill the joints, you can sweep in the joint sand once more.