Asked by: Abdelhak Romanowski
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping, home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

Why does my rubber plant have black spots?

Scales on rubber plants can be seen as yellow spots on the undersides and leaf yellowing, leaf dropping, and the appearance black sooty mold. This is caused by the honeydew the scales produce.

Why do my rubber plants have brown spots?

Botrytis blight is another fungal disease that can cause brown spots on rubber tree leaves. It is caused by Botrytis cinerea. Contrary to the smaller anthracnose spots, blighted spots are more extensive and often bordered with layers of rings.

Are rubber plants also poisonous? The Rubber Plant is mildly poisonous to humans and pets. Many Ficus plants, including F. elastica, contain a milky irritating sap that can cause stomach problems if it is eaten. It can also cause skin irritation if it sits on the skin for too long or gets into small cuts.

Hence, my Monstera has black spots.

Weeping edges, yellow leaves, and slimy patches are all signs of root rot. You can feel the roots by digging into the soil for a few days. After each watering, let them dry completely. Brown spots, papery edges and black patches are signs of too much sunlight, too cold or too dry.

What does a rubber plant look and feel like?

Rubber plants love bright light, and lots of it, but not direct sunshine. For rubber plants, a sunny spot with a sheer curtain is ideal. If your rubber plant becomes leggy, loses its luster, or falls off, you can tell it needs more light.