Asked by: Kelli Svensson
Asked in category: music and audio, alternative rock, music and audio, alternative rock
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

Why did the storming of the Bastille take place?

The Storming of the Bastille triggered a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of King Louis XVI, and the French Revolution. The success of the revolutionaries gave France's commoners the courage to fight the nobles they had ruled for so many years.

Considering this, why did they storm Bastille?

This day in 1789 saw the storming of the Bastille by Parisians. It was a fortress-prison where political prisoners were held by the royal government under Louis XVI. The French Revolution began with the taking of the Bastille, which became a symbol for the fall of the ancien régime.

What was the significance of the storming at the Bastille? The storming of the Bastille marked a significant turning point because the Third Estate took power, it triggered France's Revolution, and it forced King Louis XVI into publicly acknowledging a new constitution

Hence, why was the storming at the Bastille so important?

This fortress was traditionally used by French kings as a place to hold subjects who didn't agree politically. The Bastille is a symbol of the oppressive nature the monarchy. This was the beginning of the French Revolution, and the fall of the French monarchy.

Who and why did the Bastille storm?

Bastille was a fortress that was built in the late 1300s to defend Paris during the Hundred Year's War. The Bastille had been used mainly as a prison for King Louis XVI by the late 1700s. Who stormed Bastille Most of the revolutionaries who stormed Bastille were craftsmen and store owners who resided in Paris.