Asked by: Boujamaa Keyerleber
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

Why are my orchid leaves turning purple

Purple. Reddish or purple leaves, especially at the edges, could indicate excessive sunlight exposure and dehydration.

What color should an orchid leaf be?


You might also wonder, "What's wrong with my orchid plants?" My orchid leaves are turning to mush, and my roots seem to be rotting. They are more susceptible to fungal and bacterial disease because of the high humidity orchids must survive in. This can cause conditions such as root rot, spots on leaves and flowers, and even spotty leaves and flowers.

You may also wonder what the purple leaves are.

If you see purple-colored leaves on plants, it's most likely because of a phosphorus shortage. Too much phosphorus can cause marigold and tomato plants to turn purple undersides, while other plants may become stunted or dull-green.

Why is my orchid leaf's tip turning black?

If you find wet or dark spots on leaves or pseudobulbs, destroy the orchid. This is usually a sign of a fungal or bacterial disease such as brown spot or black rot. To prevent this, water orchids early in the morning. You must ensure that the soil drains well.