Asked by: Rolanda Novillo
Asked in category: food and drink, cooking
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

Who were the Minoans trading with?

Prepalatial Minoan Crete (2000-1900 BC).
The major settlements of Myrtos, Mochlos were the Neolithic centers of Neolithic life in Ancient Crete. The Minoans were in contact with Egypt, Asia Minor and Syria during this period, where they traded copper, tin and gold.

Correspondingly: Who conquered Minoans?


Also, know where the Minoans went? The Minoan period was a time of extensive trade between Crete and Aegean. The cultural influence of the Minoans was felt beyond Crete by their traders and artists.

What was the Mycenaean trade with other than those mentioned?

In exchange for foreign imports, they sent their goods mostly by sea. Many countries were involved in the Mycenaean trade, including Egypt, Cyprus, and Sicily. This trade brought in raw materials such as ivory, copper and gold, as well as glass.

What were the Minoans known for and who were they?

The Minoan civilization was established around 2000 BCE and continued to flourish until 1400 BCE. It was found on the island Crete, now part of Greece. The magnificent palaces that they built at Knossos were the highlight of the Minoans. In fact, there was never a Minoansa.