Asked by: Gumercindo Alçusta
Asked in category: books and literature, fiction
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Who published Sonny's Blues?

"Sonny's Blues", a story by James Baldwin was published in Partisan Review.

People often ask who wrote Sonny's Blues.

James Baldwin

What is Sonny addicted too in Sonny's Blues, besides the heroin? Sonny is a young troubled man who develops a heroin addiction at an early age. Sonny isn't like many other young boys in the area. Except when he plays guitar, he keeps his problems to himself.

So when was Sonny's Blues published, then?


What's the main point to Sonny's Blues Blues?

Sonny's most important themes are music and his suffering. Sonny's blues are a result of the emotional and physical pain he suffered as a drug addict and orphan growing up in a poor African American community. Sonny wouldn't have the material to make his music without this pain. He would also be unable create art.