Asked by: Dimitra Verhofen
Asked in category: medical health, medical tests
Last Updated: 12th May 2024

Who is a B-positive blood type?

People with sickle cell disease or thalassemia needing regular transfusions can use B positive blood. These conditions are more prevalent in South Asian and Black communities, where B-positive blood is more frequent. The subtype Ro is in high demand.

Also, is it possible to find the most common B-positive blood?

For example, in India, B-positive is the most common blood type, while A-positive is the norm in Denmark. These differences also exist within American groups. According to the Red Cross, Asian Americans are more likely to be B-positive than Caucasians and Latin Americans.

What does the blood type B+ actually mean? B+ is a rare type of blood that has tremendous power. Only 8% of the population is B+. Red blood donors can also save lives. A OneBlood phlebotomist can advise you if whole blood donation is best, depending on the hospital demand.

Who has B positive blood, then?

If you are: You can give to: You can get from:
O Positive O+, A+, B+, AB+ O+, O-
A positive A+, AB+ A+, A-, O+, O-
B Positive B+, AB+ B+, B-, O+, O-
AB Positive AB+ only All blood types

Can O+ and/or B+ have a baby together?

This means that each of their children has a 1/8 chance of having a baby with an O blood type. Each of their children will also be. There is a 3/8 chance that will have A+, 3 in 8, chance of O+ and 1 in 8 chance to be A-. Both an O+ and A+ parent can have an O-child.