Asked by: Malang Janusch
Asked in category: business and finance, executive leadership and management
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

Who identified the three phases?

William Bridges, an organizational consultant, found that the key to success in change was guiding people through transition. He identified three stages for transition and developed a model to help business leaders understand how people feel as they guide them through change.

What is the transition model, you ask?

William Bridges, a change consultant, created the Transition Model. It was published in his 1991 book, "Managing Transitions" The model outlines three stages of change people experience when they are experiencing change. These stages are Ending, Losing and Letting go. The Neutral Zone.

How do you manage transitions? These are six ways to reduce stress and maximize the benefits of transitions:

  1. Recognize that something is coming to an end.
  2. Respect the transition.
  3. Recognize and be grateful for the lessons learned from the end of the current chapter.
  4. Offer support and seek out help to make the changes.
  5. Explore all the possibilities.

Similar to the above, one might ask: What is Bridges Transition Model?

The Bridges Transition Model helps individuals and businesses with organizational change. This model has the strength that it focuses only on the transition and change. This transition is often difficult for people and leads to resistance.

What is transition and what is change?

A change is an external event. It is a shift in the outside world. Something ends and something begins again. Change refers to an external event that occurs to us. The psychological process of transition is what happens inside us as a response to change.