Asked by: Lekisha Kleinemuhl
Asked in category: education, language learning, education, language learning
Last Updated: 12th May 2024

Who are the Taliban and what is Rasheed's opinion of them?

What is rasheed's view of the taliban? They were a guerrilla group of young pashtun men whose family had fled to pakistan during war against the soviets. He calls himself a leader.

Simply put, why would the speaker claim that Harami is innocent?

It is not her fault. It is her parents fault. How did Nana react to Jalil's comments about the pistachio trees? She explained to Mariam that all he said were lies and that he really doesn't think of Nana and Mariam.

Another question that might be asked is, how did Tariq respond when Laila asked for permission to return to Kabul? Laila misses Kabul despite her love for Murree. How did Tariq respond when Laila asked him to move back to Kabul. He stated that if it makes Laila happy, he'll do this. This chapter is a poem that contains the title of the novel.

Moreover, why is Rasheed so cruel towards Mariam and Laila

Mariam is justified in murdering Rasheed because he would have murdered both Laila and her. Rasheed's murder is almost and a vengeful act by Mariam. After years of cruelty, she finally has control and liberates herself.

Mariam's judgeship is ironic.

Ironically, the judge's words regarding God's laws are promoting injustice while he professes to value justice. The judge must sentence Mariam death. He believes there is no other way to kill a man.