Asked by: Miles Uhobotin
Asked in category: business and finance, financial reform
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

Which type of government can have a command economy

A key characteristic of communist societies is the command economy. Examples of countries with command economies include Cuba, North Korea and the ex-Soviet Union. China, however, had a command economy for many decades before moving to a mixed economy, which includes both capitalistic and communist elements.

What type of government does a command economy have?

Because the central government plans the economy, a command economy is also known by the name centrally planned economy. Although communist countries have command economies, China is moving toward a capitalist economy in recent years.

What is produced in a command economy, too? The government is responsible for controlling major aspects of economic production in a command economy. The government determines production, and controls the industries that provide services and goods for the public. The government produces and prices goods and services it believes will benefit the public.

Also, find out how much control the government has over a command economy.

Five Characteristics of a Command Economy Either the government, or a collective, own the land and the means to produce it. It does not rely on the market economy's laws of supply-demand.

Is China a market or a command economy?

Command economies include North Korea, China, and the former Soviet Union. All economies combine some mix of command and market economies.