Asked by: Geraldina Schwemmlein
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, genealogy and ancestry
Last Updated: 12th May 2024

Which theorist was involved in the creation of the Mental Measurements Yearbook

The Fourteenth Yearbook
Plake, James C. Impara 2001.

You may also be interested in how to access the Mental Measurements Yearbook.

The Tests & Measures section of the Library website is where you can find the Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests In Print database.

  1. Click on Start Your Research at the top of the Library homepage.
  2. Click on Tests and Measures in the box to the right.

What is Mmy? The Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY), a series of books produced by the University of Nebraska's Buros Institute of Mental Measurements, is published annually. The MMY contains timely consumer-oriented test reviews, which provide evaluative data to encourage and promote informed test selection.

How do you cite the Mental Measurements Yearbook, other than what is already stated?

Elements required to cite a test from the electronic Mental Measurements Yearbook. (MMY).

  1. Last name and first initial of the review author.
  2. Year of the MMY edition.
  3. Name of the test being examined.
  4. Name(s) of MMY editors.
  5. Title of the MMY Edition.
  6. Indicates that it is an electronic version of the MMY.

How can you cite a yearbook in English?

Accessible in the Archives: Institution Name. Yearbook title. Year, State of publication: City.