Asked by: Jaime Shiv
Asked in category: home and garden, landscaping
Last Updated: 10th Sep 2024

Which Blackberry is the best?

Arapaho, Navaho, and other thornless varieties can be found as far south and north as Florida. They produce upright canes that are easy to pick and have good resistance to disease. These and other thornless varieties don't spread nearly as fast as the thorny ones. Jim rates Navaho the best-tasting blackberry.

Another question is: What is the best Blackberry flavor?

North Carolina State University has listed the Triple Crown blackberry among the most sweet varieties. This variety was developed by the USDA in 1996. NCSU says it produces firm, glossy berries that have a great flavor when they reach their peak in the summer.

How can you tell if the blackberries are sweet? A ripe blackberry will be deep black and have a full, plump feel. With a gentle tug, it will release itself from the plant. It is not yet ripe if the berry appears reddish or purple.

What is the best thornless variety of blackberry?

Navaho is a great candidate for being the first upright, thornless and flavorful blackberry. The berries are however the smallest of any variety.

What time should I purchase Blackberry plants?

Thornless blackberry canes are best purchased in winter, when they are dormant. They are easy to post at this time and are ready for immediate planting.