Asked by: Benedicte Bucesta
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

Where does the fibula and tibia meet?

The medial malleolus is where the fibula joins the distal (inferior), tibiofibular (ankle), joint with the the tibia, and the talus of foot. Although the fibula is not as mobile relative to the tibia it plays a significant role in the function of the lower leg.

What is the connection between the fibula and tibia?

The medial side of your leg, next to the fibula, is where you will find the tibia. It is closer to the median plane (or centre-line). The interosseous membrane between the legs connects the tibia to the fibula, creating a fibrous joint known as a syndesmosis. It has very limited movement.

What connects the tibia and femur? The anterior cruciate ligament(ACL) is a connective ligament that connects the tibia and the femur at center of the knee. It functions to limit the forward and rotation of the tibia. Just behind the ACL is the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), which limits the backward movement of the tibia.

Other than the above, how does the fibula connect with the tibia.

The head of the fibula is the proximal tip and connects to the underside of lateral condyle. The distal fibula aligns with the fibular line of the foot. The lateral malleolus is located at the distal end of fibula.

What's the difference between the knee and the ankle?

The lower leg in human anatomy is the portion of the lower limb between the knees and the ankle. The leg that runs from the ankle to knee is known as the crus or the cnemis (EniEm?s). The lower leg's front is made up of the calf, the tibia (or shinbone) and the smaller fibula.