Asked by: Regulo Dullat
Asked in category: medical health, bone and joint conditions
Last Updated: 19th May 2024

Where does bone growth occur?

The epiphyseal plaque is an area of growth in a long-bone. It is made up of hyaline cartilage, which allows for ossification to occur in mature bones. Cartilage is formed on the epiphyseal surface of the epiphyseal plates. The cartilage on the diaphyseal surface is ossified and the diaphysis becomes longer.

What part of the bone is growing?

The metaphysis, which is the narrower portion of a long bone that lies between the epiphysis (or diaphysis), and the epiphysis (or diaphysis), is what you see. It is home to the growth plate. This bone grows in childhood and ossifies around the epiphyses and diaphysis.

What are the different types of bone formation, other than those mentioned above? Two processes form our bones before we're born: intramembranous and endochondral. The primary process of forming bones in the skull is intramembranous Ossification. However, bones are made from a particular type of connective tissue called mesenchymal connector tissue.

It is also important to understand how bones grow and develop.

Your bones' cartilage grows as you age. It gradually gets replaced with bone over time thanks to calcium. This is known as ossification. Ossification is when calcium and phosphate salts build up on cartilage cells.

How does a bone develop?

Endochondral Ossification starts with points in cartilage called "aprimary ossification centres."a However, a few bones may begin their primary ossification shortly after birth.