Asked by: Erikas Uttke
Asked in category: sports, fishing sports
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

Where can I buy a WOW Classic fishing rod?

Reward an alliance-only quest, The Family and the Fishing Polea from Gubber Blump. This can be found at Auberdine beach, Darkshore. You will need to catch 6 Darkshore Groupers off the Darkshore coast.

So, where can I buy a fishing rod in WoW?

Level 25 is the minimum level to use the Big Iron Fishing Pole. The 31-40 level Mobs of Desolace are where you can find the Big Iron Fishing Pole. Randomly, the Big Iron Fishing Poles' Shellfish Traps also spawn a level 35 or 36 hostile makrura.

How do you get an arcanite fishing pole? This fishing rod can be obtained by winning the Sunday fishing tournament in Stranglethorn Vale. You can also get a +fishing Enchantment to Gloves and a Lucky Fishing Hat (also available from rare fish).

Where can I purchase a large iron fishing rod?

The Pole can be obtained from the "Shellfish Trap", which spawn outside of Shadowprey village in Desolace.

Is it possible to still obtain the artifact fishing rod?

Blizzard introduced Underlight Angler, a fishing artifact that is included in these artifacts. The fishing pole comes with bonuses like the ability to fish up an entire node in a single cast, the ability teleport to nearby pools of fishing, and the ability to create druid-like fish forms underwater.