Asked by: Wynell Ploog
Asked in category: news and politics, elections, news and politics, elections
Last Updated: 9th Sep 2024

When was the term gerrymandering first used?

This humorous map shows Elkanah Tisdale's 1813 origin of the term "gerrymander".

Also, was gerrymandering used for how long?

The Federal Republican (Georgetown Washington, DC, October 12, 1812) may have been the first time the term was used to describe redistricting in a different state (Maryland). From March 1812 to December 1812, there are at least 80 citations of this word in American newspapers.

Who also started the practice of Gerrymandering? Gerry was Governor of Massachusetts (1810-1812). He approved a redistricting plan to the state senate which gave the political advantage for Republicans. One person noticed that one of the districts looked like it was a salamander. Soon, the process was called agerrymandering.

What is gerrymandering, in layman's terms?

Gerrymandering refers to when a political group attempts to change a voter district to create a result that favors them or harms those who are against them. Gerrymandering works by wasting votes.

Is California gerrymandered?

California redistricting has been controversial in the past. Critics accuse legislators of trying to protect themselves against competition by gerrymandering district. Redistricting is often a conflict between the governor of the legislature. These conflicts have often been resolved only by the courts.