Asked by: Marlyn Cordellat
Asked in category: technology and computing, robotics
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

When is termite inspection necessary?

Pest control experts agree that termites should be inspected every one to two year. Some homeowners wait up to five years before they get an inspection. However, this is too long for the termites build their nests. It is important to get rid of the infestation as soon as possible.

What length of termite inspection is it good for?

90 days

Also, is it worth doing a termite inspection. Your home's safety and maintenance is greatly improved by termite inspections. Many home inspections include termite inspection. But if it doesn't, make certain to have one done before you buy a house. An expert should be called once a year to inspect for termites and other termite damage.

Many people also wonder what happens during termite inspections.

A Terminix trained specialist will inspect your home for termites and potential access points during a termite inspection. They will help you keep your home free from termites and prevent you from costly damage and expensive treatments that could cost thousands.

Do termite inspectors come inside?

Normal termite inspections take approximately 45 minutes. They inspect the outside and inside of the house. Inspectors inspect for obvious signs like wood damage or mud tubes, but there are many areas that require careful inspection. They will also inspect the exterior for wood-to-soil contact.