Asked by: Nadim Maicas
Asked in category: technology and computing, antivirus software
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

What's the purpose of vulnerability scanning

Vulnerability scanning is a method of identifying security holes in a network or computer system by inspecting for potential exploit points. Vulnerability scanning is a method that detects and classes system vulnerabilities in networks, computers and communications equipment. It also predicts the effectiveness and cost of countermeasures.

Eventually, you might also wonder, "What is vulnerability scanning?"

A vulnerability scanner is a program that scans computers and networks for known vulnerabilities. These scanners can be used to find weaknesses in a system.

What are the different types of vulnerability scans, other than those mentioned? There are two types, authenticated and unauthenticated, of vulnerability scanning. An unauthenticated scan can be performed by an analyst who performs the scan as a hacker, but without valid access to the network.

Similar questions are asked: How does a vulnerability scan function?

To compare information about the target attack surface, the vulnerability scanner uses a database. The database contains information about known flaws, code bugs, packet construction anomalies and default configurations. It also includes potential paths to sensitive data that could be exploited.

How often should you run vulnerability scans?

You should scan your network at minimum once per month to identify and fix any vulnerabilities. You are not required to scan your network every quarter by compliance requirements.