Asked by: Shane Schkrebitko
Asked in category: books and literature, poetry
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What's the difference between the Light Brigade & the Heavy Brigade?

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What does Light Brigade actually mean?

The Light Brigade was the British light cavalry force. It was unarmoured and mounted light horses. The men were equipped with sabres and lances. They were designed for skirmishing and reconnaissance.

You might also wonder what the difference is between light and heavy cavalry. When talking about ancient times light cavalry is usually meant to be mounted skirmishers equipped with javelins. Heavy cavalry is primarily shock cavalry that is often armed with lances or sometimes swords. Light cavalry wasn't armoured and was not equipped with sabres. Others had lances or carbines.

What orders were also given to the Light Brigade

The Charge of the Light Brigade, Alfred, Lord Tennyson

  • "Cannon To Right Of Them, Cannon To Left Of Them"
  • "Half A League, Half A League, Half A League Onward"
  • "They Are Not To Reason Why"

What's the story behind the Light Brigade charge?

Charge of the Light Brigade (Oct. 13 Old Style), 1854, disastrous British cavalry charge against heavily defense Russian troops at Battle of Balaklava (1854), during the Crimean War (1853-1856). Alfred, Lord Tennyson's 1855 poem entitled the same named made this suicidal attack famous.