Asked by: Rene Avelez
Asked in category: style and fashion, bath and shower
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

What's in Zep acidic toilet-bow cleaner?

Acidic Toilet Bowl cleaner quickly dissolves organic stains, removes hard water residue from toilets, and urinals. The cleaner's strong 10 percent acid gel formula makes it possible to remove even the most stubborn stains.

This is why you might be wondering what acid is used in toilet bowl cleaner.

Muriatic acid

How do you get rid of calcium deposits in the toilet bowl? To dissolve any calcium deposits in your toilet pipes, run something through it. Distilled white vinegar, or a chemical product like Lime Away and CLR can be used. If you're using chemical products, it is a good idea to use gloves and protect your eyes.

What is the strongest cleaner for your toilet bowl?

Zep 32 oz. Acidic Toilet Bowl Cleaner quickly eliminates rust stains and organic and hard water marks. The 10% acid formula and clinging gel work longer on vertical surfaces and leave a fresh scent and shine.

How can you clean a toilet using Coke?

Although it may sound strange, many people swear that Coke can dissolve toilet rust rings. Let the can sit on the bowl for at least one hour before pouring it around the edge. This will allow the soda's acids to dissolve the stains. Use a toilet brush to scrub the bowl.