Asked by: Adiela Thandray
Asked in category: style and fashion, mens shoes and footwear
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

What's a Thomas heel?

Thomas heel is a shoe correction that involves a heel measuring one-half inch in length and eight to six inches on the inside. It's used to bring the heel into varus and prevent depression around the head of your talus.

What is a SACH heel, you ask?

Prosthetic feet with a solid ankle and cushioned heel (SACH) are the simplest. SACH feet do not have moving parts or an internal keel. Passive SACH feet have a keel that will not bend within the foot. Rubber regions are areas that can bend, flex and deform under load to perform certain foot functions.

What are rocker-bottom shoes? Regular soles can be replaced by rocker soles for any type of footwear. Some rocker-bottom shoes are designed to replace or reduce the loss of function in a joint. A rocker shoe may be used by a person who has a hallux rigidus (stiff big oe) to replace the loss of flexion at the metatarsal joint.

People often ask what corrective shoes are.

Corrective shoes are made to treat problem areas in the feet. Corrective footwear can be made wider to accommodate bunions, or with a higher toebox to prevent pressure from hammertoes. Stabilizing the deformity, reducing pain and stopping the progression of the disease is the goal.

What are reverse last shoes?

Anti-Varus (Reverse Last) This is for children walking age with forefoot/metatarus/adductus. Sometimes referred to as pigeon-toed gait. This prevents the forefoot from becoming deformed and promotes corrective measures.