Asked by: Gretchen Reimondez
Asked in category: travel, europe travel
Last Updated: 22nd May 2024

What was the purpose of the European exploration?

Three main reasons are given for European Exploration. They are for their country's glory, economy, and religion. They wanted to improve their economic situation by purchasing more spices, gold and faster trading routes. They believed that Christianity should be spread.

What is exploration for?

Exploration is the act or process of looking for information or resources. Its most significant rise in human history was during the Age of Discovery, when European explorers charted large swathes of the globe for a variety of reasons.

What was European exploration? European exploration is the exploration of Earth's regions for scientific, religious, or military purposes. It began in the 4th century BCE.

It is also important to find out what the impact was of European exploration.

One of the most important effects of Europeans arriving in North America is that Native Americans were exposed to new diseases such as smallpox and measles. To conquer Native Americans, the Explorers used superior firepower, such as single shot muskets.

What drove European exploration of the Americas by Europeans?

European explorers had primarily economic motives. The supply of precious metals was limited, so monarchs sought large amounts of silver and gold in the Americas. The European governments sought to find passage through the Americas to Asia, aside from treasure.