Asked by: Helenca Stratenschulte
Asked in category: travel, north america travel
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

What was the geography of the south?

Geography. The Appalachian Mountains are one of the most distinctive geographic features in the Southern United States. These mountains are located primarily on the east side of the Southern U.S. These mountains were formed many millions of years ago. They are well-known for their forests, wildlife, coal industry, and other natural resources.

Similar questions are asked: What kind of region is South?

The South. The South is a region in the southeastern United States. It is generally, but not exclusively, considered to be south the Mason and Dixon Line, Ohio River and the 36Adeg30a2 paralel.

What defines the South in a similar way? The South usually includes the south-central and southeastern United States. This region is well-known for its culture, history, and unique musical styles and cuisines that have made it stand out from the rest of the United States.

What are the South's landforms?

Landforms: The Southeast and North Carolina have three distinct landforms: the Coastal Plain and the Piedmont. The Coastal Plain is a low, flat and gently sloping area that runs along the Atlantic Ocean. It also extends along the Gulf of Mexico.

What was the North's geography like?

Two very distinct societies were created by the geography of the north versus the south, which was one major factor in the Civil War's outcome. The south looks a lot like the North but it also has many other features. Climate: Cold winters; hot/humid Summers. Winters were long and cold.