Asked by: Markos Grosseholz
Asked in category: music and audio, jazz
Last Updated: 8th May 2024

What was jazz music in the 1920?

The Jazz Age was an American cultural movement and period that occurred in the 1920s. It saw the rise of new styles of music, and dance. Jazz quickly spread to America's middle class, largely due to African Americans using new musical techniques and traditional African traditions.

What role did Jazz play during the 1920s?

Jazz music became an integral part American popular culture in the 1920s. Another way jazz music had an impact on popular culture was through fashion in the 1920s. Jazz music was a way for women to rebel against society's established standards. It helped the Women's Liberation Movement.

What kind of music was in fashion in the 1920s? 1920's

  • Popular Genres: Jazz, Blues, Dance, Broadway, Ragtime, Standards.
  • Popular Artists:Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Ma Rainey, Sophie Tucker, Eddie Cantor, Paul Whiteman, Bessie Smith.
  • Popular Genres are: Swing, Jazz and Country, Traditional Pop, Traditional Pop, Crooners and Big Band.

You might also be interested in learning how jazz music influenced the 1920s.

A New Jazz Culture: Jazz music has influenced every aspect of society. Jazz poetry and fashion were all influenced by the "basement music which took the United States by storm. The post-war period saw racial tensions worsened by jazz music.

Where did jazz begin in the 1920s

New Orleans