Asked by: Janiece Aleksiev
Asked in category: travel, europe travel
Last Updated: 3rd May 2024

What was decided in the Yalta Conference?

The Yalta Conference decided that Germany would be divided into four occupying areas. It was also decided, that the Soviet Union would strike Japan after the defeat of Nazi Germany. Stalin, at the Yalta Conference, promised that Poland would hold free elections.

What were the 3 main points of the Yalta Conference, according to you?

The Big Three agreed at Yalta that Germany would surrender unconditionally after it was divided into four zones of occupation. These areas would be controlled by the United States, British, French, and Soviet military forces. Berlin would be also divided into similar occupation areas.

Also, find out what was decided at Potsdam Conference. Stalin, Churchill and Truman met to discuss how to manage Germany after it had surrendered unconditionally nine weeks prior on the Victory in Europe Day (Victory in Europe Day). The conference had three goals: establish postwar order, to resolve issues concerning peace treaty and to counter the effects of war.

What was the outcome of the Yalta Conference Quizlet?

The Yalta conference, a meeting, was held between February 4, 1945 and February 11, 1945 by the heads the state of the allied countries (Stalin. Roosevelt. Churchill). The meeting was used to plan for the occupation of post-war Germany.

What was the next step after the Yalta Conference

Yalta Conference ends. After a week-long negotiation by the leaders from the three major Allied power, Yalta ended on February 11, 1945. This was a Soviet resort city at the Black Sea. They promised free elections and that they would manage the European countries they had liberated.