Asked by: Marni Tsvelyukh
Asked in category: pets, veterinary medicine
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What uses is Betagen topical cream used for?

It contains gentamicin (an antibiotic) and betamethasone (an anti-inflammatory). Betagen Topical spray is an antimicrobial/corticosteroid combination that's used to treat superficial lesions caused by susceptible bacteria. Betagen Topical Spray can also be used for other purposes than those mentioned.

Can Betagen spray also be applied to humans?

Betagen is a medication for pets that fights bacterial infections. These medications can be used to treat both animal-specific conditions and human-specific infections. They are available in forms and dosages that are specifically designed for pets.

You may also be asked if you can use Betagen in dogs' ears. BETAGEN Otic Solution can be used to treat acute and chronic canine otitis externala, as well as canine and feline superficial infection lesions due to bacteria sensitive.

You should also know what Gentocin topical dog spray is used for.

Gentamicin Ophthalmic Topal Spray is a topical medicine that treats superficial infections caused by bacteria. It can be used to treat skin conditions such as rashes, hot spots, and skin irritations.

What happens if my GentaSpray is licked by my dog?

GentaSpray is very fast drying. It is important that the dog doesn't lick the area to ensure the spray works. If the dog does touch the spray area, it will not cause any harm to. It is best to keep the dog from touching the area until it is dry.