Asked by: Abdessamie Oggioni
Asked in category: careers, vocational training
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What training is OBRA required for nurses assistants?

75 hours

Also, was it asked how many hours of OBRA training is required annually for nurses assistants?

75 hours

OBRA also requires similar information. Mandates. OBRA and regulations stipulate that nursing homes must meet the quality of care requirements.

What is OBRA's minimum requirement for nursing assistant training?

Number of Training Hours The number of hours required for state nurse aide training programs is 75 hours. Federal law requires that they be completed in 175 hours.

Is there a minimum requirement for nursing assistants to remain active?

Federal regulations require that an individual must work eight hours per week for payment in order to be considered active. We do not have any employment history if your registry status is inactive.