Asked by: Sonja Manchen
Asked in category: home and garden, interior decorating
Last Updated: 8th Jul 2024

What size chandelier should I use for my foyer?

Designers should aim for hanging lighting fixtures that are 2 to 3 inches tall for every foot of ceiling height. A chandelier 20-30 inches high is required for foyer ceilings that are 10 feet tall.

This in mind, how can you choose the right size foyer chandelier?

If there are at least three feet of space, a chandelier will work well. To determine the size for chandelier add the width and length . Footprints of the foyer can be converted to inches. For example, a foyer measuring 10 x 12 feet would need a 22-inch fixture.

The next question is: How high should a chandelier hang in an 2 story foyer? 5 feet

How low should a chandelier be hung in a foyer?

7 feet

How do I choose an entryway light?

A fixture should be proportional to the size of your entryway. If your entryway is larger than 75 square feet, choose a chandelier that has a diameter between 12" and 18 inches. If you don't want the fixture to be a focal point, smaller entryways will look better with smaller chandeliers.