Asked by: Erika Emberti
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, beekeeping
Last Updated: 26th Jun 2024

What size are black elephant ears?

Colocasia esculenta - 'Black Magic' - Elephant Ear. Greenforever ships from and sells them. It is a dusty, solid purple- with a black stem that can grow to up to 2 feet in length. Black Magic can grow to be a huge clump, up to 6 feet high with a spread equally large.

Do black elephant ears return every year?

USDA zones 10-11 will see elephant ear plants grow all year, and they will remain green throughout the winter. The soil will dry out if you stop watering it from winter through fall. The elephant ear leaves die back during the year. However, winter is a good season to clean up plants. Dead leaves can be removed at any time.

How do Black Magic elephant ears develop? This sister plant to Black Magica combines bright green and purple leaves. In partial shade, striking foliage that has leaves 4 feet tall creates a beautiful color combination. It thrives in damp soil and is able to grow in shallow areas of water, such as a pond or a pool.

How do you treat Black Magic elephant ears then?

Care. Black magic elephant ears can be grown in full sun or partial shade. However, the leaves will develop their deepest purple color under full sunlight. They should be planted in rich soil that contains enough organic matter to keep it moist. Keep the soil moist and do not dry it out.

Which elephant ear plant is the largest?

Colocasia gigantea