Asked by: Miro Gagueiro
Asked in category: medical health, first aid
Last Updated: 12th Sep 2024

What should you do if someone is conscious and choking?

What do I do if an unconscious adult chokes?
  1. A conscious choke an adult makes them unconscious. To make this happen, gently lower them to the ground and open their mouths.
  2. Remove an object that is visible with your finger.
  3. Try to open the airway of the person by tilting your head. Give 2 rescue breaths.

Many people also wonder: How do you treat an unconscious victim of choking?

Do 30 chest compressions. Next, open your mouth to search for an object. If the object is visible and you can remove it, do so. If the object has been removed but the person still does not have a pulse, you can start CPR by giving chest compressions. Give two rescue breaths if you don't see the object.

Second, do you need to give CPR if a conscious person is choking? Perform standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), with chest compressions, rescue breaths, and standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation. If you are alone and experiencing difficulty breathing, perform abdominal thrusts (Heimlich maneuver).

How can you revive an unconscious patient?


  1. Examine the person's circulation, breathing, and airway.
  2. If the person is not suffering from a spinal injury, place them in the recovery position. Place the person face-up. The person should face you.
  3. Keep the patient warm until emergency medical assistance arrives.

What should you do if someone is choked?

Encourage them to cough

  1. Encourage them to continue to cough to try and clear the blockage.
  2. Ask them to spit it out if they have it in their mouths.
  3. Do not put your fingers in their mouths to assist them. They may accidentally bite you.