Asked by: Siu Pasquel
Asked in category: food and drink, food allergies
Last Updated: 8th Sep 2024

What should I eat to stop diarrhea?

Mom has another piece of advice for treating diarrhea: Bananas, rice (white), applesauce, toast. Doctors will recommend whole-grain, high fiber foods when your health is excellent.

What can be done to stop diarrhea quickly?

BRAT diet The BRAT diet is a diet that can quickly relieve diarrhea. BRAT stands to bananas, rice and applesauce. These foods are bland and low in fiber. This diet is very effective. These foods can cause stools to become bulkier due to their binding effect on the digestive tract.

What should you avoid eating if you have diarrhea? Avoiding foods that cause diarrhea

  • Milk and dairy products, including milk-based protein drinks
  • Fatty, greasy, and fried foods.
  • Spicy foods
  • Processed foods, particularly those that contain additives, are not recommended.
  • Pork and veal
  • sardines.
  • Raw vegetables
  • rhubarb.

What is the best thing to eat or drink when you have severe diarrhea?

Some foods that can help with diarrhea are

  • Hot cereals such as oatmeal, cream-of-wheat, and rice porridge
  • bananas.
  • applesauce.
  • Plain white rice
  • Toast or bread.
  • Boil potatoes
  • Unseasoned crackers

What fruit is good to treat diarrhea?

Pectin-rich foods include yogurt, bananas and applesauce. Pectin is a water-soluble fiber that helps to reduce diarrhea. You should eat foods high in potassium such as fruit juices, sports drinks and potatoes without skin. Diarrhea is a common way to lose potassium.