Asked by: Maitane Saadi
Asked in category: hobbies and interests, painting
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What role did the Italian city states play during the Renaissance?

Renaissance was influenced by the wealth of the Italian city state. The wealth enabled prominent families to provide support for artists, scientists, philosophers, and other creative people. Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance.

What were the Italian cities states in the Renaissance?

The Italian city-states. Italy was a collection city-states during the Renaissance. Each had its own rulerathe Pope of Rome, the Medici family at Florence, and the Doge at Venice.

What made the Italian city-states unique and important, besides these? Milan, Venice and Florence were able in the fourteenth and 15th centuries to conquer other cities-states and create regional states. Their struggle for dominance in Italy was ended by the 1454 Peace of Lodi, which achieved a balance of power (see Italian Renaissance).

Also, what did the Renaissance do to Italy?

The Renaissance spread throughout Europe from its roots in Florence, 14th century. Its ideas changed and evolved to fit local cultural thinking and circumstances, while still remaining true to its original ideals. The 14th century saw Italy as a fertile ground for cultural revolution.

What role did Florence play during the Renaissance?

Florence is often called the birthplace for the Renaissance. This city is located in the northern hills of Italy and was home to many of the early writers and artists. The city was a hub for European wool trade and the political power of the area rested primarily with the powerful merchants who controlled the industry.