Asked by: Iara Meadhra
Asked in category: technology and computing, programming languages
Last Updated: 18th May 2024

What modules are included with Python?

Built-in Modules in Python
Among others, print(), input(), complex(), number conversion functions int(), float(), complex(), data type conversions list(), tuple(), set(), and many more

It is also important to find out how many modules Python has.

These modules (,,, and have been defined as before.

You may also be wondering how to create a Python module. Save the code to create a module in Python by using the file

  1. This code should be saved in a file called
  2. Call the greeting function to import the module mymodule.
  3. This code should be saved in the file
  4. Import the module mymodule and you can access the person1 dictionary.

You might also ask: How do I check for Python module?

You have two options to get the list installed packages for python.

  1. Use the help function. To see a list of installed modules, you can use the help function in Python. Type the following command into the python prompt help("modules")
  2. Using pythonpip sudo aptget install pythonpip pip freeze

What are libraries and module in Python?

Library : This is a collection module. (Library either contains built in modules(written in C) + modules written in python). Module: A set of parts that are standardized or can be used independently to build a more complicated structure.