Asked by: Stilian Gerbracht
Asked in category: medical health, lung and respiratory health
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What medication is used to dry up secretions?

These secretions can be dried with medications such as glycopyrrolate or scopolamine. A small patch of scopolamine can easily be applied to the skin behind the ears.

What will dry the secretions?

Anticholinergics such as atropine and scopolamine help to dry out excess secretions which can lead to death rattle.

Learn more about excessive secretions. secretion. A secretion substance is one that is made by living things. It's similar to when your skin sweats. Secretions are not created with secrets. They can be generated by secreting: synthesizing, then producing a substance. Some secretions remain within an animal's body, such as the bile secreted from our livers. Another secretion is saliva.

How do you treat secretions?

Glycoprolate and scopolamine are two of the most commonly used medications to treat secretions. Different sources give different subcutaneous doses for scopolamine (0.2 to0.6 mg q2-6h prn) and glycopyrrolate (0.1 to0.4mg prn q4-6h).

Buscopan helps with secretions

Hyoscine butylbromide, also known as Buscopan TM, is preferable because it doesn't cross the blood-brain border and causes less sedation than Hyoscine Hydrobromide or Scopoderm TTS TM. Avoid Atropine as it is stimulating and should not be used.