Asked by: Antonieta Bolting
Asked in category: healthy living, alternative medicine
Last Updated: 2nd May 2024

What makes urine so acidic when protein is present?

Acidic foods are those that reduce the pH (or increase the acidity) in your urine. Meat, poultry, and fish are high in protein, which can cause your urine to become more acidic. Most IC patients don't find these protein foods to be harmful.

Many people also wonder if protein makes your body acidic.

Too much protein can make us acidic. Research clearly shows that eating too much protein causes the body to produce excessive acid. A diet high in animal products leaves the body neutral or alkaline1. Even in normal amounts, salt can also increase blood acidity.

What causes acidic urine? Acidic or alkaline urine can be caused by ingesting meat, metabolic acidosis, severe starvation, pyrexia, severe vomiting, and the administration of urinary acidsifiers.

What does protein do to urine pH?

High intakes of animal protein have been shown to increase urinary calcium excretion and a decrease in both urinary pH, excretion citric acid, and biochemical changes that significantly increase the likelihood of calcium oxalate stones formation [5].

What can I do to reduce the acidity of my urine?

Avoid citrus fruits, milk, dairy products and any other food that makes your urine more acidic. You may be able to get more protein from foods like plums, prunes, and cranberry juice (especially with vitamin C added).