Asked by: Glenny Morquillas
Asked in category: technology and computing, operating systems
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What makes Open Office money?

They are funded mainly through donations and companies that make up their Advisory Board, which includes Google, AMD, Intel, and Google. Apache OpenOffice, which is also a foundation is also available. However, it has a different structure. It is funded primarily by IBM. The developers will be paid salaries.

Open Office is therefore free.

OpenOffice is available for free today, thanks to the contributions of people and businesses (small and large) who have contributed time and money. OpenOffice's open-source license means that this freedom cannot be taken away.

The question now is: Is OpenOffice dead? Christian Schaller, a Red Hat developer, called OpenOffice "all but death" in 2015. Despite claims to the contrary, assertions to this effect have continued.

Is it safe to use Open Office?

Yes, OpenOffice is in decline. OpenOffice lacks the safety programmers that it needs. All its great developers have moved to LibreOffice years ago. LibreOffice is as secure as any program.

Which is better, Libre Office or Open Office.

Apache OpenOffice and LibreOffice both can open and edit native Microsoft files DOCX and XLSX. However, LibreOffice cannot save to these formats. LibreOffice may be the best choice if you plan to share documents with Microsoft Office users.