Asked by: Samra Kmieczy
Asked in category: science, space and astronomy
Last Updated: 21st May 2024

What layers of the sun are visible during an eclipse?

The rare chance to see the corona or chromosphere of the sun's outermost layers, is possible during a total solar eclipse. Normal conditions will only allow us to see the photosphere, which is the bright yellow sun's surface.

Consider this: What layer of the sun is visible during a total solar eclipse?


The next question is: Why is the corona visible during an Eclipse? The corona appears more like a sphere when it is at the lowest number of sun spots. The corona can only be seen from Earth because of the light emitted by the sun's photosphere.

Many people also wonder what the layers are of the sun.

Layers from the Sun

  • The solar interior is composed of the core, which occupies about one quarter of the Sun's radius.
  • The radiative zone
  • The convective zone and
  • The photosphere is then the visible surface.
  • The chromosphere
  • The corona is the final layer.

From where do the elements found in the outer layers?

There are several layers to the atmosphere of the sun, including the photosphere, chromosphere, and corona. These outer layers are where the sun's energy is detected, as it has risen from the interior layers of the sun.