Asked by: Ge Cobaleda
Asked in category: careers, telecommuting
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What job has the highest fatality rate?

Logging workers are the occupation with the highest death rate, with 135.9 work-related fatalities per 100,000 workers. This equates to 91 total deaths over the course of one year.

Another question is: What job has the highest rate of mortality?

The logging worker is the most fatally injured occupation, just as it was in the last four years. The BLS has just released the latest data. Loggers make an average annual income of just under $36,000, or $17.41 an hour.

Find out what the most dangerous job is in the world. logging workers

What are the most dangerous jobs in your industry?

Based on BLS data, here's a list of the 10 most dangerous jobs that Americans do.

  1. Logging workers.
  2. Fishermen and other related workers in fishing.
  3. Pilots and flight engineers are both aviation professionals.
  4. Roofers.
  5. Collectors of recyclable and repurposed materials
  6. Truck drivers and driver/sales employees.
  7. Farmers, ranchers, or other agricultural workers.

Which occupations are most dangerous in the United States of America?

Here is a list with the 25 most dangerous jobs in America.

  • Fishermen and other related workers in fishing.
  • Logging workers.
  • Pilots and flight engineers are both aviation professionals.
  • Roofers.
  • Collectors of recyclable and repurposed material
  • Workers in structural iron and steel
  • Truck drivers and driver/sales employees.