Asked by: Jennefer Kavner
Asked in category: medical health, eye and vision conditions, medical health, eye and vision conditions
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is Zymaxid used for?

Zymaxid Ophthalmic Solution 0.5% (gatifloxacin, gatifloxacin ophthalmic solution 0.5%) is a fluoroquinolone antibacterial used to treat bacterial junctivitis. Zymaxid can cause eye irritation, pain, worsening conjunctivitis, changes in taste, and other side effects.

What is gatifloxacin used for?

Gatifloxacin is an ophthalmic solution that is used to treat bacterial pinkeye (infection of the membrane covering the outside of the eyeballs) in both adults and children aged 1 year and older. Gatifloxacin belongs to a group of antibiotics known as fluoroquinolones.

What is the cost of Zymaxid? Zymaxid 0.5% ophthalmic solution costs around $192 for 2.5 milliliters. Prices vary depending on which pharmacy you visit. Prices can only be paid in cash and are not valid for insurance plans. There is a generic Zymaxid available. See gatifloxacin eye drops prices.

Also, find out what the generic name of Zymaxid is.

Zymaxid (gatifloxacin), a fluoroquinolone antibacterial, is used to fight bacteria. Zymaxid eye drops can be used to treat infections of the eye caused by bacteria. Zymaxid can also be used for reasons not listed in this medication manual.

What is bromfenac an ophthalmic solution used to treat?

This medication is used to reduce swelling and pain after cataract surgery. Bromfenac is part of a group of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs).