Asked by: Jean Nawal
Asked in category: food and drink, vegetarian diets
Last Updated: 4th May 2024

What is Veg slang for?

Slang. To relax in an uncontrolled manner (usually fol. By out: This weekend we ate out, ordering pizza and watching soccer channels. Tonight, I'll be going home to read a book.

What does "veg out" really mean?

Meaning: To relax in an inattentive and lazy manner. is'Vegging Out' when we spend a lot of time on the couch doing nothing and barely moving. This expression is a result of the association between vegetable and mental impairment. "I don't want to do any this weekend, except veg on my sofa. '

The same goes for the origin of the expression "veg out". The association of vegetables and mental incapacity is what gave rise to the phrase "veg out". This is why mentally disabled people are often called vegetables. The same idea inspired the term 'Couch potato'. This term was first used in the 1970s.

It is also important to understand what another word is for vegetarian.

Pescetarian. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary says that the term pescetarian is , a portmanteau combining the Italian meaning "fish--pesce" with the English definition of vegetarian. Pescetarians eat seafood, eggs, and dairy, but not any other meat.

What exactly is a vegetable wedgie?

The Microplane Veggie Wdgie makes it easy to quickly and easily cut vegetable into six uniform wedges or sticks.