Asked by: Ambrosio Acemel
Asked in category: technology and computing, smartphones
Last Updated: 20th May 2024

What is unlimited social?

Endless social data is unlimited access to these apps without eating any of your data.

You may also wonder, "What is unlimited social Digi?"

Digi offers unlimited social, unlimited video, and unlimited internet calls for only 88sen per day. Digi Video Freedom only offers unlimited video, unlimited social, unlimited video, and unlimited internet calling. This is for WhatsApp and WeChat only (voice and video calls).

Unlimited data is another benefit. Unlimited data at full speed - This means that you can access whatever you need, whenever you want and it will always be at full 4GLTE speed. Unlimited data but then slowed down - These plans allow unlimited data access, but only a portion of it will be at full speed.

Digicel also has unlimited data

Digicel customers can enjoy unlimited data, talk and more for 7 days with the Unlimited 7-Day Plan.

What is a social data plan?

All etisalat prepaid users and postpaid users have access to 1GB of monthly social data for AED 49 per month. This includes Facebook, WhatsApp, BBM*, Twitter, LinkedIn, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, C'Me*, LinkedIn, Twitter, LinkedIn, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, LinkedIn, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM * & BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, BOTIM*, LinkedIn *The Social Data allowance can be used to send messages.